HETO Traywrapper new/demo (Price starting from: €5.500,-)
LR Stitch / Potting Belt
Extraction unit
RME63B Tray filler
MIX13S Substrate mixer
R12N Filling line
M181 Conveyor belt
M50 Conveyor
TO59 Tray (De)stacker
Screw compressor Airworks Spinn.E 5.5-270 C43
Screw compressor Genesis 11-500 C5+ with fixed speed.
Screw compressor Airworks Spinn.E 7.5-500 C55+
Suction compressor Airworks K17C/150CT3
Suction compressor Airworks K25/200FT4
Suction compressor Airworks K30/270FT5.5.
Compressed air dryer ACT-5.
Compressed air dryer ACT-8BM
Mini Potting Machine H13
Watering boom TO56-2R
Water dosing unit
Soil conveyor elevator
Soil conveyor beld Standard
Oscomote dispenser for potting machine
Pusher (Conveyor Belt)
Pot holders (Potting machine)
Double drill (potting machine)
Heto acceleration system / delivery belt
Spray unit
HETO Stacker
HETO Pot dispenser
Pusher frame buffer belt
Mobile potting soil bunker with drawbar