Motorbelt and coupling belt (Price starting from: €8.250,-)
Used HETO soil bunker with soil belt system (Price starting from: €15.000,-)
Spreading unit (stainless steel) for, for example, vermiculite
Stump grinder
Used HETO Potting machine: H15 (Price from: €12.500)
Universal pot filler or tray filler, new. (price starting from €6250,- shell)
Various Heto 15 cm low profile conveyor belts (coupling parts) (Used)
New sticker/label presentation device (Price starting from €635,-)
HETO Universal potting machine (For large pot sizes)
HETO H15 Extended Potting Machine
HETO Mini Potting Machine H13
Various used Javo potting machines Standard (Price starting from: €8.000,-)
Various used Demtec potting machines 3016 (Price starting from: €3.500,-)
Used Bekidan pot-in tray filler (Price starting from: €15.000,-)
Various HETO Paperpot machines (Used) (Price starting from: €8.000,-)
SE2R Drum seeder
SM2R Double drum seeder
S9A Drum seeder
TO54R Drum seeder
TO54RS Drum seeder
SP13A Nozzle seeder
AQUA GREEN Control Panel Irrigation System
MULTI AQUA Control Panel Irrigation System
Custom Irrigation System
RENTAL - Big-bale DB40
Used HETO H14 potting machine with dual-action automation and feed belt (Price starting from €4.250)
Water unit for trays (new)
Heto H14 with single potting machine and soil bin
Potting machine P1 (price from: €17.000,-)
RBB Big-bale breaker
Bark spreader MTR (price from: €15.500,-)
Water dosing unit NAD (price from: €3.700,-)